St Edward’s School, Oxford was founded in 1863. Currently, it has approximately 660 pupils, between the ages of 12 and 18, 76% of whom are boarders. The academic standard is very high and the school offers a huge extra-curricular programme of sport, music, and drama.
Like all schools, St Edward’s takes the security of its staff, pupils, their possessions, and its premises very seriously. The majority of the school’s students are boarders, which the school accommodates in eleven accommodation blocks.
Chris Lewis Fire & Security was initially asked to install access control to the boarding houses in 2001. Four years later, it was commissioned to upgrade and network the access control system to provide more flexible access to staff and students.
More recently St Edward’s has needed to upgrade the fire protection system in one of the boys’ boarding houses, Apsley House, and to incorporate disabled access in some of their accommodation blocks. It required two of the girl’s boarding houses and two of the boy’s boarding houses to be installed with automated doors and access control pads at heights which complied with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).
Richard Hayes added, “We made the decision that it is not currently feasible to provide disabled access across all the accommodation blocks, but by installing it at two of the girl’s and two of the boy’s houses we can give disabled pupils an option as to which house they join.”